Poets' Pathway Walk in New Edinburgh
Sunday, May 5, 10 am.
For this year's Jane's Walks on Sunday, May 5, we have a truly lovely and interesting walk at 10 am.
New Edinburgh is full of lovely historic homes, and is also the cradle of 19th Century Canadian literature. It is also right beside the Rideau River and across from the Ottawa River. Checking out the walk there this week, walking the short blocks in the sunshine, looking at the water and the graceful homes was a gift of tranquility.
 You might love to join us on Sunday for an hour. We are starting at 38 Charles Street, home for a while of Confederation poet William Wilfred Campbell. The home is at the end of Crichton Street.
Here is our write up on the Jane's Walk website:
This tour celebrates the literary history of New Edinburgh. New Edinburgh was a literary hotspot of 19th Century Ottawa, with poets’ homes and literary salons. We will walk past some homes of literary figures of the 19th century, see where Confederation Poet William Wilfred Campbell lived for a while, tell the story of Bessie Blair and her Sir Galahad, and read some of Campbell’s poems written for people who lived right here between 1901-1910. The tour will culminate with a visit to the Poets’ Pathway plaques (installed last November), where we say hello to poets Archibald Lampman and Alfred Garneau, and read some poems.
We would love to hear other stories of the neighbourhood, and to hear any poems anyone else would like to read.
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