covering ottawa writing, writers, events and publications; curated by rob mclennan,
Thursday, October 29, 2020
the ottawa small press book fair : home edition #22 : Kees Kapteyn
Q: Tell me about your writing. How long have you been publishing, and what got you started?
A: I write fiction of varying lengths. Until recently it’s been short stories and flash fiction but in the last year I’ve been committed to a full length novel. I’ve been publishing since the early nineties, running along with the zine phenomenon that had tied itself to the indie scene back then. I would hijack the photocopier at work late at night and churn out a hundred or two copies of whatever cut and paste thing I’d contrived at that point. These were fiction chapbooks, poetry chapbooks and an arts and culture mag that I put out somewhat regularly. It was pretty fun joining this community of other creative people across Canada. I got to connect with people that I never would have even known about otherwise, being pre-internet and all. I was invited to conferences, zine shows, benefit concerts and other cool things. It was a great start. In 2016, I set up Smidskade 9 Press as a vehicle to participate in shows like the ottawa small press fair, and to act as an umbrella under which to keep my published works.
Q: How many times have you exhibited at the ottawa small press fair? How do you find the experience?
A: I’ve been part of the ottawa small press fair twice now and it was a great experience both times. They were opportunities to network with different presses and individuals in the community and it was also a way to educate myself in what other people were doing with their presses. It was also a way to get a feel for what the industry (can we call it that?) was up to. People were so open to talk shop and have been just as curious as I was about the whole thing. You, rob, you embody that attitude and I’m so glad you present these opportunities because they’re crucial for this community.
Q: Would you have made something specific for this year’s fairs? Are you still doing that? How does the lack of spring or fall fair this year effect how or what you might be producing?
A: I have a couple stories that I was going to slap together as chapbooks for the next show. I want to do it in a more professional manner rather than just street-level cut, paste, xerox and staple. That will take money, but I think it’s what I have to do to present a sellable product. Gone are the days of the 5th-generation-image punk zines. The lack of public displays like the press fair this year only makes me switch to other modes of creating. It hasn’t really slowed me down.
Q: How are you, as literary writer, approaching the myriad shut-downs? Is everything on hold, or are you pushing against the silences, whether in similar or alternate ways than you might have prior to the pandemic? How are you getting your publications out into the world?
A: Working in education, the shutdown gave me the precious opportunity to dive into forming my novel. Every day I did a little bit of something and at this point I can say that I have about ¾ of the rough draft done. As far as hard copy output, I’m just promoting my fiction chapbook. Since it looks like we are about to slip into another mass shutdown, I’m not keen on putting anything more in stores, since they all look like they will sink into temporary obscurity, being deemed as non-essential services. Quarantine without books? Seriously?! They sound pretty essential to me!!
Q: Have you done anything in terms of online or virtual launches since the pandemic began? Have you attended or participated in others? How are you attempting to connect to the larger literary community?
A: I like to keep up with new releases and support my friends and colleagues. I’m glad we have the online platforms to do readings because I was really missing them. It’s so great to see people like Pearl Pirie, Phil Hall and Heather Haley putting works out and going public despite the restrictions.
Q: What is your most recent book or chapbook? How might folk be able to order copies?
A: My most recent professionally published work is a book of flash fiction called Temperance Ave., and it’s available from Grey Borders Books.
Q: What are you working on now?
A: Right now I am working on a novel I’m calling LefTturn. It’s about a fella whose wife has been unfaithful and the ensuing separation puts him into a kind of existential tailspin. The universe is trying to give him clues as to what he should do to get his life back on track, yet he either ignores them or simply does not see them. As the book progresses, the signs become more and more apparent and outrageous, to the point where strange, supernatural things start to happen. I’m having a lot of fun with it, and as I’ve said I’m about ¾ through the rough draft, so hopefully it will be ready for the streets in a year or so. Maybe by then we’ll be done with this pandemic? I sure hope so!
Wednesday, October 28, 2020
Talking Poetics #30 : Valerie Coulton
Friday, October 16, 2020
the ottawa small press book fair : home edition #21 : Brian L. Flack/Point Petre Publishing,

Q: Tell me about your press. How long have you been publishing, and what got you started?
Point Petre Publishing (PPP) was established in 2017. It’s designed to be a small operation, publishing only 2 or 3 books a year. What lies behind its existence is the publisher’s understanding of the incredibly difficult time first-time writers have breaking through the bulwarks of mainstream publishing. The deck is stacked and there is not much “give”. The idea was and is to help out in that area as well as publish writers who already have a track record.
Q: How many times have you exhibited at the Ottawa small press fair? How do you find the experience?
PPP has been to the OSPF 3 times over the last 3 years. It’s a fine way to connect with readers and writers. And, of course, sell a few books! The reading at the Carleton on the Friday evening is a highlight.
Q: Would you have made something specific for this spring’s fair? Are you still doing that? How does the lack of spring fair this year effect how or what you might be producing?
PPP would have had a new book of poems in time for the Spring Fair, but that was shelved … not because the Fair was cancelled but because of COVID-19. At the time the book would have appeared, every bookstore in the country was closed. The author, an older writer, decided against even trying again in the Fall as her desire to be out and about in the community in the midst of this pandemic was, in the Spring, and remains to this day, less than encouraging … and quite rightfully. As a result, a launch, visits to bookstores, and readings at several venues could not have happened. The book probably won’t see the light of day until the Spring or Fall of 2021 … if then.
Q: How are you, as a small publisher, approaching the myriad shut-downs? Is everything on hold, or are you pushing against the silences, whether in similar or alternate ways than you might have prior to the pandemic? How are you getting your publications out into the world?
PPP is effectively shut down for the time being … at least as far as releasing new titles. The publisher continues to be amenable to receiving manuscripts that will fit PPP’s publishing preferences – poetry and literary fiction, so that when this is virus has been tamed PPP will be able to jump right back into the game. Submissions, though, have slowed to something less than a trickle. PPP suspects that many writers simply do not want to play chicken with this virus and be “out there”. But … prospective authors can still send manuscripts. They should go to PPP’s website ( for submission guidelines.
Bookstores, hurting from the long shutdown have also pared back … they are stocking fewer books than they used to because customers are scarcer and most are not hosting book launches. For the time being, orders of books from the backlist are going to have to sustain PPP. This can be done by e-mail. People can write for a book or books – send an email to pointpetrepublishing or go to the website at where pricing is available – and they will be shipped.
Q: Have you done anything in terms of online or virtual launches since the pandemic began? Have you attendeor participated in others? How are you attempting to connect to the larger literary community?
PPP has had no virtual launches because there have been no new books. Nor has PPP attended any other Fairs. For the moment, PPP does not have much connection to the larger literary community … this is at least partially due to PPP’s remote location in Prince Edward County, Ontario.
Q: Has the pandemic forced you to rethink anything in terms of production? Are there supplies or printers you haven’t access to during these times that have forced a shift in what and how you produce?
It has. PPP’s printer shut down for some time. Suppliers for other materials – paper, ink, etc. – also shut down. As did PPP. Almost everything went on hiatus … except for the internet.
Q: What are your most recent publications? How might folk be able to order copies?
A backlist of PPP’s recent books can be found at Those titles can be ordered at
Q: What are you working on now?
PPP is reading and assessing all manuscripts that come its way, hoping to find a gem or two that can be made ready for publication when the virus emergency comes to an end.